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Educational stories and interactive content for children's development

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Nandan is an established monthly magazine dedicated to nurturing young minds with enriching content that has been a trusted name for over 47 years. It is not only renowned in India but also has a substantial international readership. The magazine was inaugurated in memory of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and has since stayed true to its roots by blending a rich heritage of traditional stories with a contemporary touch that resonates with today's children.

With a vibrant mix of educational and engaging material, the magazine stands out as a resource that contributes to the all-around development of children. Readers are treated to an impressive array of content ranging from cultural stories and modern narratives to poems and interactive columns. This diverse content selection is aimed at keeping young readers informed about the cultural ethos and current global events, fostering a well-rounded worldview.

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The magazine actively engages its audience with interactive columns and fun activities, positioning itself as a constructive influence on the shaping of young minds and behaviors. It's an invaluable tool for parents and educators seeking to facilitate both the intellectual and moral development of children.

The top features include its insightful stories, educational poems, interactive content, and fact-based articles, all of which are crafted to pique the curiosity and intellectual appetite of its young readers. By integrating cultural relevance with educational objectives, Nandan stands as a beacon of holistic child development, engaging young minds in a journey of learning and discovery through the world of reading.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Magzter Inc..

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Nandan 8.1

Package Name com.magzter.nandan
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
46 more
Author Magzter Inc.
Downloads 1
Date Jan 25, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 8.0.8 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Oct 27, 2023

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